Reprinted with permission from SoundOff
Gamble (direct lineage, legacy family heirs, of the Proctor & Gamble
conglomerate) presents his eye opening views inspired by his intensive investigations
of the universal pattern, the Torus.
The Universal pattern- Torus
that our torus is
literally a double helix meeting end-to-end.
investigations into the Torus seem to reveal the operating mechanism to this
universal pattern is the radius of curvature of all natural law, the quantity
C, the property of Light, defined as the kinetic energy equivalent of the mass
energy of matter.
This universal law also has its roots throughout
ancient history, far more numerous and dominant than the Torus, and found in
all parts of the world, the circle with the sine wave running though it.
The expanded
view allow us to link up with the initial, extremely elementary, 100 year old
definiton of our flat, E=mc2 science view, and upgrade our energy science toward
a more meaningful, applicable, and evolutionary humane reality.
We can
note that the incorporation of the universal pattern, the Torus, to the Radius
of Curvature, the quantity C (light), was acknowledged by both Walter Russell
and Barbara Dewey, concluded through their own interpretations.
Dewey: “The Eternal Blink (now, now, now) “electromagnetic waves, spiraling particles
of matter-in-motion, a laminated quantum of spacetime, in a wave-like pattern
going through the process of creation and destruction in the blink of Laminated
Spacetime, surging ‘up’ positive, counterclockwise characteristics as they come
into existence, and dying back, negative, clockwise characteristic as they
expire (reflecting both the double helix and the Chinese tao); a condition
where nothing existed (a blank) followed by a condition where everything
existed once more (because of the great speed of these events – I have since
put this at the speed of
light –
physical reality would appear to be a continuum while actually being an
intermittently broken sequence of spacetime laminate. (of course, that blank
wasn’t a blank at all, but the spaceless, timeless creating medium Holmes
called the Universal Mind)”
Walter Russell: “The Radial Universe - The entire
mechanical principle of Nature by means of which its light illusions of motions
are produced, is the consequent effect of radial extensions. The seeming multiplication
and division of the universal equilibrium into the opposed electrical pressures
of gravitation and radiation, which form the foundation of this universe of
change are made possible. Actions
unfold formlessness into form, reactions refold form into formlessness. Actions
are the basis of radiation. Reactions are the basis of gravitation……. The cube
and sphere are one, being two opposite phases of the same thing. The cube is
the sphere extended to black coldness while the sphere is the cube contracted
to white incandescence. Within each cube is the curved universe of two-way
light illusion; and beyond, to the farthest reaches of space, is a repetition
of illusion from wave field to wave filed at the rate of 186,400 miles per
second. That
is the speed in which every action-reaction anywhere repeats itself everywhere.
This illusion of motion gives rise to the belief that light travels.
Periodicity is characteristic of all phenomena of nature, stages of unfoldment and refoldmernt,
(octaves) –gerero-activity begins at the birth of carbon in the first octave
with genero-active,
inner explosive speed of light, which is 186,400 miles per second. It ends with an
equal radioactive, outer explosive speed. This speed is the limit at which motion
can reproduce itself in curved wave fields before reaching zero where motion
and curvature cease.
The Radius of Curvature permits greater comprehension
towards specifically measured applications and possibilities.