Energy Evolution Program

Thursday, March 19, 2015

‘Spacetime Foam’ and 'Velocity of Light Limit' Downgraded From Sci-Fi to Comic Book Status

The Standard Model is becoming a Joke of misinterpretation – THERE IS NO LIMIT TO VELOCITY - If we leave the surface of the earth, our reference point will go along with us, and the limitations of relativity will always precede us at a distance equal to the quantity C.

Comparable Comic Strip jokes:
  • ‘Spacetime Foam’ clearly shown (pic) and evidenced manifesting from outer space, through the atmosphere, to kitchen and half bath sinks?
  • …… or …….
  • Best measurements ever of the independence of the speed of light (constant) from the energy of the light particles?

Which statement is the greater of ‘Bizarre’ (false conclusions drawn from erroneous definitions derived from isolated, disconnected segments)

Spacetime: A smoother brew than we knew     Spacetime may be less like foamy quantum beer and more like smooth Einsteinian whiskey, according to research led by physicist Robert Nemiroff of Michigan Technological University being presented today at the 221st American ...
Confirming Einstein, scientists find 'spacetime foam' not slowing down photons from faraway gamma-ray burst  describe a proof for one of the theory's basic assumptions: the idea that all light particles, or photons, propagate at exactly the same speed. The researchers analyzed data, obtained by NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, of the arrival times of photons from a distant gamma-ray burst. The data showed that photons traveling for billions of years from the distant burst toward Earth all arrived within a fraction of a second of each other. This finding indicates that the photons all moved at the same speed, even though different photons had different energies. This is one of the best measurements ever of the independence of the speed of light from the energy of the light particles.

Comic books aside, let us see how some of the prime fallacies, created by gross misinterpretations of the mathematics, inhibit us from comprehending and correctly interpreting not only ‘arrival times of photons from a distant gamma-ray burst’, but the whole concept of the speed of light and the unified nature of the natural laws of space time mass matter energy gravity by which we live, observe, express and evolve.

If we leave the surface of the earth, our reference point will go along with us, and the limitations of relativity will always precede us at a distance equal to the quantity C

Spintronics extrapolated across micro, meso, macro scales should by now have revealed the non-linearity of physical law and the mutual interdependence of space time mass matter energy gravity.  Gross and outdated misinterpretations, from reference frames and micro-meso-macro non-integrated scale variances, to dissected-isolated independence of the natural laws, void of a common denominator, reflect the incoherence of the standard model with a major concluded OBSTACLE-ERROR - limiting maximum universal velocity to the speed of light.         

The flat science view of the standard model is worse than the previous extremely narrow ‘earth is flat’ view, mathematically correct only in the constricted range where deviation to curve is insignificant. Doubling the misconceptions of the narrow and isolated math models, is the fact that the velocity of light energy differential equates to the kinetic energy equivalent of the mass energy of matter, causing additional specific ‘sight/observation’ issues to our comprehension of mass matter energy gravity-fields relationships through space and time.

The mathematics do not say that man cannot travel between the earth and Alpha Centauri in less than four years. They say only that no observer on earth can ever see him do it. Isolated micro, meso, macro, scales cause huge disturbances to our interpretations and our ability to comprehend FTL (faster than light velocity) or how from a single point in time, we can observe ourselves occupying three rather widely separated positions in space, while confirming there is only NOW.

While many mathematically scientific statements may be perfectly correct with respect to the specific (or ambiguous) reference points (usually with earth as one of the reference points), if we leave the surface of the earth, our reference point will go along with us, and the limitations of relativity will always precede us at a distance equal to the quantity C. We need not fear that we will ever overtake or be hampered in any way by those limitations. We can now clearly see a number of those aspects of the principles of relativity which have created what we have described as thought blocks in the minds of many students, scientists and engineers. These thought blocks are not actually inherent in the mathematics of relativity, but are obstacles created by the arbitrary interpretations which we have placed upon those mathematics. The obstacles are illusionary only. We must realize that the rules of limitation found in our mathematical approach to nature, are limitations only of our own perception and consciousness; and have no absolute significance insofar as nature itself is concerned. 

Somewhat comparable to the ‘sound barrier’, we now need to wrap our heads around a larger, wider view of space time mass matter energy gravity-fields unified through micro-meso-macro scales.

Beyond A Uni-dimensional Perception of TIME  In his examination of the natural laws or facts of the Universe, man is greatly handicapped by the fact, insofar as time is concerned, he has never progressed beyond a uni-dimensional perception. The natural laws are relative  That is, the value of one can be altered between any two reference points by altering the value or relationship of the other. We defined space as that which separates bodies of matter, so we define time as that which separates events. (If there is no discernible separation in this respect, the events are said to be simultaneous.) Examining this concept carefully, we find that time follows the same curve of natural law which is apparent in the operation of all the basic factors of nature, and again the radius of that curvature is measured by the quantity C.....more

The dark disconnected micro tunnel, a Standard Model statistical joke, needs to reconnect with the rest of our micro-meso-macro reality.

"Tiny objects like atoms behave according to the laws of quantum physics," says James Millen (UCL Physics and Astronomy), lead author of the study. "Large objects, like the ones we see around us, don't. But there's no obvious cut-off for where quantum behaviour should end. The largest objects that have been made to behave in a quantum manner are large molecules of about 800 atoms

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