It is perfectly possible to produce a negative gravitational field between the earth and a given object on or near its surface by the proper application of moving electric charges. Such a field would be effective only with respect to the given object. All other matter in the vicinity would remain within the positive portion of the curve.
Quantum Gravity Unification of Strong
Nuclear Force
Nassim Haramein’s and E.A. Rauscher’s work present an
alternative and more precise mathematical view of our micro to macro reality
than does the Standard Model of Physics. You will note the strong implications
of this more mathematicaly precise view of the universe ties in directly with
the ancient symbols passed down through history.
Dual Torus 4 Blackhole / Yin & Yang merger
As with
ALL natural laws (i.e., space-time-mass-mater-energy-gravity) let us now add
the CURVE to the law of gravity. It will be noted the same
conclusions presented by StarSteps have been derived independently by Haramein/ Rauscher. The
foundation for both can be seen arising from Walter Russell’s theories.
Haramein / Rauscher models add clarification details of the vacuum, opening the doors to
unlimited energy access at any
StarSteps adds the application measurement vehicle, the “Radius”, to
the non-linearity of physical law and demonstrates precisely, the ‘relativity’
of total interdependence, interrelationships, between the natural laws – the changing
of any one or more laws directly affects and causes changes to the others.
And as Haramein / Rauscher derived through separate
calculations the equivalence of LIGHT (VC) to MASS, StarSteps shows Light (VC)’s
equivalence to mass as ‘the kinetic energy equivalent of the mass energy of
matter’, demonstrating precisely why Light (VC) also turns out to be the Radius
of Curvature of All Natural Law . (The
Quantity C to be detailed in the next post)
Gravity – As Viewed Through the Radius (VC)
the greatest obstacle to man's achievement of his dream of space travel has
been a factor which has been given the name of Gravity. Its 'discovery' is
usually credited, in elementary school text books, to a seventeenth century
mathematician and physicist, Sir Isaac Newton. Actually, of course, every man
'discovers' gravity soon after birth; and the stone age man who first rolled a
boulder down upon the head of the cave bear who was attempting to scramble up the
cliff after him, was making a practical application of this force. It was,
however, Sir Isaac Newton who first made a complete mathematical analysis of
the subject. His conclusions were compatible with subsequent observation and
test, and were virtually unchallenged until the dawn of the era of relativity.
In brief, his conclusions were that gravity is
a quality which is inherent in all matter, and that it manifests itself as a
mutual attraction between all bodies of matter. The value of this attraction between
any two given bodies was said to be directly proportionate to the product of
their mass, and inversely proportionate to the square of the distance between
attraction between the earth and an object near its surface is an example of
this force, although it is usually described as being the 'weight' of the
The difficulty with the statement that the
force varies inversely as the square of the distance lies in the implication
that if the distance becomes zero, the force should, become infinite. Thus it
would at first seem that a man standing or lying upon the surface of the earth would
be one of two bodies between whom the distance was zero, therefore, the weight
of the man should be infinitely great. The reply to this assumption is that the
force acts as though it originated at the center of the mass, called the
'center of gravity', and that the man on the surface of the earth is still some
four thousand miles from its center of gravity. This explanation, however,
creates a new problem in that, if we accept it literally, we must assume that
if there were a well or shaft extending to the center of the earth, and if a
man descended this shaft, his weight would increase as he approached the center
of gravity, becoming infinite as he reached it. Actually, of course, his weight
would decrease, becoming zero when his center of gravity coincided with that of
the earth. So we are forced to the further explanation that gravity is
inherent, not in 'bodies', but in particles of matter, and since a man at the
center of the earth would have an equal number of particles attracting him from
every direction, the resultant of the forces would be zero.
If we assume the gravity to reside
independently within each atom, our problem is solved as far as the man and the
earth are concerned, but if we look within the atom itself in the attempt to
find the point where the distance becomes zero, and the force infinite, we find
that the same problem again confronts us. We have not solved it, we have only
changed our scale of observation. There is conclusive evidence that the
attraction, called the binding energy, which exists between the Newtonian
particles, (the protons and the neutrons) is intense almost beyond our ability
to describe. This force, however, does not increase uniformly with increasing
mass, but at certain points not only reaches zero but actually becomes negative.
We can demonstrate this fact by adding a
single unit of Newtonian mass, a neutron, to the nucleus of an atom of Uranium
235. When this is done, we find that the gravitational force within the
nucleus, instead of increasing actually becomes negative, that is, the
attraction between its parts becomes a repulsion, and the parts begin to
separate with considerable brisance. During the expansion, however, several new
centers of gravity are formed, which, because of the smaller amount of mass
involved in each, are strongly positive. The result is that two or more simpler
atoms are formed, plus a few neutrons which have acquired too great a velocity
to be captured by this regrouping process.
In most text books, this phenomenon is
described as the 'splitting' of the atom. There is an implication that it is
the 'impact', or the kinetic energy of the neutron which causes the atom to
split. If this were true, then obviously, a high speed neutron would split the
atom more easily and surely than one with much lower speed. Actually, the opposite
situation is true. The high speed neutron will not split the uranium atom at
all. It must be slowed to thermal velocity so that it can settle into the
nucleus before fission occurs.
Occasionally a neutron will be captured by a
uranium atom, without falling directly into the nucleus. The neutron may orbit
the nucleus for a very long time (as time is counted in nuclear physics),
perhaps several seconds or even minutes. Eventually the neutron drops into the
nucleus, and 'delayed fission' occurs, again demonstrating the fact that it is
not the impact of the neutron, but its presence in the nucleus, which results
in its expansion.
The expansion and subsequent condensation into
several simpler atoms is a completely random process. Many simpler types of atom can, and do result
from the condensation, in each case however, the smaller atoms cannot contain
as many neutrons in proportion to the number of protons as the larger atom, so
there are always several neutrons left over.
This phenomenon, if carefully examined and
considered, will furnish several strong clues to the nature of gravity itself,
but let us for the moment, content ourselves with the observation that it
demonstrates that a gravitational field can, under certain conditions, become negative.
Because of the manner in which our
gravitational laws have been expressed, it has commonly been assumed that a
gravitational force can manifest itself only as an attraction between two
bodies of matter. This is not, however,
a necessity of thought, since there is no logical reason why it should
necessarily be true: In fact if it were true, it would set gravitational fields
apart as the only force fields with which we are familiar which could not
produce a repulsion, as well as an attraction between bodies of matter. The
reason for the assumption of a universal attraction is simply that all of our
early and limited observations seemed to indicate that this was true. However,
as we have already mentioned, any number of observations, if made on a
sufficiently limited scale, will tend to indicate that the earth is flat, rather
than spherical.
For many years a school of thought existed
which recognized that gravitational fields, like all other fields, must possess
a duel polarity. They called these
poles, gravity and levity. They assumed that some objects and materials
normally possessed the quality of gravity, while others normally possessed the
quality of levity. An object possessing levity would be repelled by all objects
possessing gravity. The theory eventually became discredited, and was almost
universally discarded, not because it was ever disproved, but because so many
attempts had been made to assign this quality of levity to objects and
materials which did not actually possess it.
instance it was, for a time, assumed that gases such as hydrogen and helium
possessed levity because when they were contained in a light bag or envelope,
they were observed to rise against the gravitational field. It was soon demonstrated,
however that their rise was caused, not by any quality of levity, but simply
because of the fact that their specific gravity was less than that of the air
they displaced. After a number of unsuccessful attempts to assign the quality of
levity to specific materials or
objects, the theory fell into disrepute to the extent that the very word levity
has become synonymous with humorous nonsense. Nevertheless, the philosophers
who developed the theory were perfectly correct in their primary postulate.
They erred only in failing to realize that gravity and levity are not
properties of specific materials but are conditions under which all matter may
We have now observed negative gravitation in
the microcosm (the interior of the atom), we also observe it in the macrocosm,
(between the galaxies).
Many technical articles have been written in recent
years concerning "Our Expanding Universe," yet where, in any of them,
can we find any logical explanation or reason why it should expand at all?
Under the theory of universal attraction, all of the matter in the universe
should be rapidly coalescing into one gigantic lump. Instead, we find that
every one of the large groups of stars which we call galaxies is rapidly
retreating from every other group, at velocities which increase with their
distance from the observer. Velocities of recession exceeding 25,000 miles per
second have been calculated.
A number of interesting but hardly convincing
theories have been advanced in the attempt to reconcile the observed state of
the universe with the existing concept of universal attraction. Some of our cosmic
theorists have proposed that at one time all of the matter in the universe was
contained in a single tremendous star, or 'atom'. For some reason, which is not
given, this atom exploded, hurling outward the matter which has become the star
clusters, and imparting to them the motion which we now observe, several
billions of years later. This theory, first propounded by Abbe Lemaitre, has
become known in colloquial parlance, as "The big bang theory". It becomes apparent that such
a theory will not stand up if examined under the existing concept of linear
natural laws. In the first place, such an inconceivably
huge mass of matter, even at the very great temperature which was assumed for
it, would, under Newtonian laws, produce a gravitational field so intense that
no velocity less than that of light itself would be an 'escape' velocity. In
fact it has been calculated that even the light emitted by this huge sun would
not escape completely, but would circle in a comparatively small orbit about
it. Through the concept of the curvature of physical law, however, we see that
the addition of mass to an existing body does not, necessarily, increase the
force of attraction between its parts, but may, under certain conditions, cause
the field to become negative, and the attraction to become a repulsion. We can
explain the observed actions of the present universe by postulating that an
attraction exists between the individual bodies within a galaxy, because their
total mass and distance is such that they are within the positive portion of
the gravitation curve with respect to each other. In the vast spaces between
the galaxies however, the curve dips below the zero line with the result that a
repulsion exists between the galaxies themselves. This also explains why matter, although rather
evenly distributed throughout the known universe, is not distributed uniformly,
but found in quite similar concentrations at comparatively regular distances.
At this point we hear someone say, "These
explanations may be very interesting to the astronomer or to the theoretical
physicist, but how can they help us in locating and utilizing gravitation's
opposite field effect?" The answer is, of course, that we must have some understanding
of the physical laws before we can make the proper use of them in attaining our own
personal ambitions.
In his
dream of space travel, man has generally considered only three possibilities of
escaping from the earth. First, gravity must be destroyed. That is, the
operation of the gravitational field must cease between the space craft and the
earth, so that it will not hinder the departure of the craft. While a number of
highly imaginative stories have been written along this line of thought, no
theory has ever been evolved, or test conducted which could give us any hope
that such a condition can be achieved.
Despairing of the first possibility, we pass
on to the second. Gravity must be shielded. Some type of screening material
must be interposed between the craft and the earth to cut off or absorb the gravitational
field so that while it still exists, it will no longer act upon the craft. Here
again we have found imagination raising our hopes, and reality disappointing,
for no material has been discovered which shows any promise of fulfilling such
a function. With our hopes considerably subdued, we pass on to the third
possibility. Gravity must be overcome. We
must apply a greater force, so that we can rise against the pull of gravity,
even though we must pay an exorbitant tribute of energy for each foot of
progress. In this last plan, we have achieved a certain degree of success.
Rocket motors have fought and struggled their way upward against the
implacable, if impersonal, pull of the earth's gravitational field, crawled
their way into orbit, some snailed to the moon (i.e. 'snail's pace'), and a few
have inched their way to the outer reaches of the solar system with a time
count of years. It does not appear
however, that the proper solution has yet been achieved.
When man attempts to attain his ends by
pitting one natural law against another, he usually finds that it is a wasteful
and laborious process. While it is true that it is perfectly possible to propel
a rowboat by throwing rocks from the stern, it is not a method which an intelligent
man would choose if he were aware of other possibilities. In the first place,
the thrown rock must accelerate, not only the boat, but all the rocks which
remain to be thrown. If a long journey were planned, the greatest problem would
be to find enough room in the boat to store the required number of rocks. Since
the thrust produced is equal to the mass of the rock multiplied by the velocity
of the ejection, it is obvious that there are three limiting factors. First,
there is the total mass of the available rocks, which is limited by the size of
the boat which contains them. Second, there is the total amount of energy
available. (This is a factor only because we have so little understanding of
the true nature of energy.) The third, and at the present time the most serious
factor, is the limited mechanical strength of the throwing arm.
In a
rocket motor, the 'rocks' are represented by a gas produced by combining or 'burning'
the fuels within the combustion chamber. The gas, at a high temperature and pressure,
is expelled through an opening or 'venturi' in the stern. Since the amount of
fuel is limited by the size of the rocket, the only means of increasing the
total thrust is to increase the velocity of ejection, but this can only be
accomplished by increasing the temperature and pressure of the gas within the
combustion chamber. Regardless of the amount of energy which is available, the
amount of thrust which can be produced is limited by the ability of the chamber
to withstand the temperatures and pressures involved. Since these limits are
reached and often exceeded, by ordinary chemical energies, it is clear that the
vastly greater energies available in nuclear reactions are, at the present time
at least, of academic interest only to the rocket engineer. In the case of
craft which remained in our atmosphere, of course, more ‘rocks’ could be taken
aboard while in flight, by scooping up the atmosphere through which the ship
was traveling, and allowing the surplus energy to act upon it. In space flight,
however, this is not possible, and it is hardly likely that the efficiency of
the rocket motor can be increased sufficiently in the near future to permit of
practical or economical space travel.
are being made to overcome this problem through the concept of the 'Ionic' or
the 'Photonic' drive, in which ions or photons are used as the 'rocks' to be
thrown overboard. Ions and photons have a basic advantage over atoms or
molecules in that they achieve much higher velocities without the necessity of
higher temperatures or pressures. This was in the 1960's. Apparently, great
obstacles to the embodiment of these concepts in practical devices still exist.
Actually, the rocket has been obsolete for
centuries. There has not been a single basic advance in the rocket concept
since the year 1214 A.D., when the invading hordes of Genghis Khan were met by
the military ordnance rockets of the Chinese defenders in their walled cities,
more than seven hundred years ago. True, we have produced stronger combustion
chambers, we have improved slightly the shape of the venturi, and we have developed
fuels with considerably higher specific impulse, but we have done nothing to
advance the basic concept. We are still propelling our boat by throwing rocks
over the stern.
Men now living will stand upon the surface of
Mars and Venus, but they will not go there in a rocket. There are better and
simpler ways.
It is time to reexamine our position to see if
there is not something we have overlooked. Have we forgotten the old saying,
"If you can't lick 'em join 'em?"
We have
tried for centuries to `lick' the force of gravity. We have tried to destroy
it, and failed. We have searched for some method of shielding ourselves from
its effect. We have not discovered it. We have attempted to overcome it by
opposing it with superior force, and found it a wasteful and cumbersome
process. Isn't it about time we gave up the idea of fighting the force of
gravity, and began to consider the possibilities of making use of it?
We have learned that gravity, like all natural
factors, has a negative, as well as a positive value. If after building our
space craft, we could arrange conditions so that the ship was in the negative
portion of the gravitational curve, it would fall away from the earth as easily
and as naturally as a stone dropped from a tower falls toward the earth.
course, we hear at once the objection that, while negative gravitational fields
have been shown to exist, they have been found only within the atom and at
inter-galactic distances. How can we place a space ship within the negative
portion of the curve, with respect to the earth? The answer to this question
lies in the fact that, as we have already learned, the natural laws are not
absolute, but relative. That is, the size and shape of the curve of one law is
dependent upon the value and position of the others. We have seen that the
nucleus of the atom of uranium 235 dips below the zero line with the addition
of only one mass unit, making a total of 236, yet the nucleus of the atom of uranium
238, although close to the zero line is still on the positive side of the curve
because of the fact that the shape of the gravitational curve is modified not
only by the mass present but also by the number and position of the electrical
Lest someone charge us with ignorance by
pointing out that there are the same number of electrons (92) in each of these
atoms, we will make haste to state that we refer not only to the charges in the
outer shell of the atom but to those within as well, and especially to the
fact, not always realized, that the neutron possesses both a positive and a negative
charge, although when united within the neutron they are not discernible as
charges, but exist as energy which produces the gravitational field .
When we acquire a better understanding of the
laws, we will be able to produce any shape of curve we desire, with the earth
as one reference point and the spacecraft as the other.
Suppose you were to hand a bar magnet and a
similar bar of soft iron to a man who was intelligent, but uneducated, with the
request that he examine and test the two objects in order to determine their properties.
One of the properties which the researcher would be certain to list would be
the 'inherent' property of mutual attraction between the two objects. He would
observe that when either end of one bar was approached either end of the other
bar, a condition of attraction was observed.
He would probably conclude that the attraction was an inherent quality
of these objects, and that it would continue to persist regardless of anything
which could be done.
We know, of course, that if a length of
insulated wire were wound around the soft iron bar, and flow of electrons were
induced in the winding, the two bars could be made to exhibit a repulsion as
readily as an attraction. Note that in this case we have not destroyed the
field of the permanent magnet, we have not shielded the field, nor have we overcome
it. We have simply produced a field which is in opposition to it, or to state
the case more concisely, we have polarized the field, by placing one end of the
soft iron bar within the negative portion of the magnetic curve with respect to
each end of the permanent magnet which is already so polarized.
The same possibility exists with respect to
gravitational fields except that the results are not obtained in quite the same
way. It is not too difficult, however, to work out means of polarizing a
gravitational field, once we discard the old assumption that it is impossible.
To sum up as concisely as possible, the
conclusions reached in our discussion of the factor of nature which we call
gravity, we will propose the following corrections and additions to the
gravitational theory as it is now commonly taught.
1. The law of gravity is not a linear law but
follows a curve common to all factors of nature.
2. The gravitational field does not diminish
precisely as the square of the distance as Newton believed, but because of the curvature
of natural law, it diminishes normally at a slightly greater rate so that it
reaches zero value, not at infinity as is usually supposed, but at a finite
distance or degree of separation. Beyond this distance or degree of separation
the force becomes negative.
3. We can define a gravitational field as
negative when the application of the factor called time tends to increase the degree
of separation between any two reference points in the factor called matter.
4. The value of the gravitational field at any
given point is controlled by the values of the other factors of nature at that
5. The electric charges within the atom are a
factor which modulates the shape of the gravitational curve of the nucleus.
6. Gravity is not the enemy of space travel.
It is a friend, but there must be true understanding before the friendship can bear
7. It is perfectly possible to
produce a negative gravitational field between the earth and a given object on
or near its surface by the proper application of moving electric charges. Such a field would be effective only with
respect to the given object. All other matter in the vicinity would remain
within the positive portion of the curve.
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