The negative component of the natural laws (space time mass matter energy gravity) continues to crop up whenever measurements with scale in-variances/energy differentials are considered between reference points, which approach and exceed the quantity C. How much longer can one keep beating around the bush, ignoring the larger dimension/scope of E=MC2 and NOT take into account the full meaning and properties of the CONSTANT C, Light?
New law implies thermodynamic time runs backwards inside black holes
The new area law states that the area of a future holographic screen (the solid blue line in [a]) is always increasing in one direction, while the area of a past holographic screen (the solid blue line in [b.]) is always increasing in a …more
========================= IN SUMMARY, E=MC2, THE EXTENDED VIEW
The quantity C (velocity of light) is the
radius of curvature of all natural law, the pivotal point upon which the
natural laws become manifest, the kinetic energy equivalent of the mass energy
of matter.
Quantity C is the radius of curvature of all natural law, meaning if a
differential of energy equal to this quantity exists between the observer and
the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the
energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to
operate in reverse at that point.
While we have repeatedly referred to the quantity C as an energy
differential, we have heretofore considered it only in terms of kinetic energy.
Some may believe that it can be reached only when there is a rate of increase
or decrease in the degree of spatial separation between the reference points,
equal to 3x10(10) centimeters per second, or in simpler terms, a velocity
equal to that of light. It is necessary therefore to point out the fact that an
energy differential does not necessarily manifest itself as a velocity. It can
also exist as a frequency. Our present laws of physics state that the energy
level upon which an electron, a photon, or other particle exists is
proportionate to its frequency. The mathematical rule is E equals Fh, where E
is the energy, F is the frequency and h is a factor called Planck's constant. We can now see that a frequency differential which by the above formula
is equal to 9x10(20) ergs per gram also represents the quantity C.
When such a
frequency differential exists between the observer and the point which he is
observing, we again find that the natural laws at the observed point reach zero
value with respect to the observer. If the frequency differential exceeds this
value, the action of the laws will become negative. A material object such as a
spacecraft upon or near the surface of the earth would cease to exist as matter
and would enter the plane of energy insofar as the observer on earth was
concerned, but as we have previously pointed out, an observer upon or
within the object, whose frequency or energy level had been raised to the same
degree as that of the craft, would be unable to detect any change.
Radius of Curvature of all Natural Law:
- The Quantity C: Possessing a Significance Far Greater than Attributed
- Gravity – As Viewed Through the Radius (VC)
- Space as Observed through the Curve of Radius Light
- Matter and Mass – Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass
- Beyond A Uni-Dimensional Perception of TIME
- The Nonlinearity of Physical Law
- Definition
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