Nov 21, 2014 by Tim Reyes, Universe Today
This is the signature of one of 100s of trillions of particle collisions detected at the Large Hadron Collider. Their combined analysis led to the discovery of the Higgs Boson. This article describes work by one research group in dissension with the results. Credit: CERN
At the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Europe, faster is better. Faster means more powerful particle collisions and looking deeper into the makeup of matter. However, other researchers are proclaiming not so fast. LHC may not have discovered the Higgs Boson, the boson that imparts mass to everything, the god particle as some have called it. Read more at:
When did physics become so
disconnectedly complex that it forgot its own
definition of infinity?
Bigger and bigger bangs and caveman clubs will continue
to get you smaller pieces – TO INFINITY.
Explain how you will
get to the smallest particle and reach infinity!
Cut the farce and waste of
Look at fractals, self
similarity, chaos to order, as above so below – and include scale variance,
especially at differentials approaching, at, and exceeding the the velocity of
light energy differential between any two or more reference points. You will find it impossible to get a clear view of
Reality when excluding any aspect of space time mass matter energy gravity in a
common frequency denominator immersed within the role of the Radius of Curvature of All
Natural Law, the quantity C, velocity of light energy differential. The LET THERE BE LIGHT, has now become crucial to physics to understand the further boundaries of E=MC2.

Nobel Prize winning physicists have proven beyond doubt that the physical world is one large sea of energy that flashes into and out of being in milliseconds, over and over again. Read More:
of Curvature of all Natural Law:
The Quantity C: Possessing a Significance Far Greater than Attributed
Gravity – As Viewed Through the Radius (VC)
Space as Observed through the Curve of Radius Light
Matter and Mass - Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass
Beyond A Uni-Dimensional Perception of TIME
The Nonlinearity of Physical Law
The Quantity C: Possessing a Significance Far Greater than Attributed
Gravity – As Viewed Through the Radius (VC)
Space as Observed through the Curve of Radius Light
Matter and Mass - Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass
Beyond A Uni-Dimensional Perception of TIME
The Nonlinearity of Physical Law
Advanced, evolving concepts of
‘black holes’, zero point, dark energy/matter: Unified
Physics – Articles, Reviews
The Resonance Project‘s
William Brown has written a response to the recent Hawking paper that clarifies
what Hawking actually did say and how these new observations are moving the
standard model of black holes closer and closer toward the model and
predictions that Nassim Haramein has been making about black holes for many
years. Some
exciting new developments are occurring right now in the highest levels of
physics that are converging directly with Haramein’s work on quantum black
holes. Inevitably, the study of the physical Universe will lead to the correct
answers, no matter how strange it may appear…
Summation of Fundamental
Principle VC:
simple unity of matter and energy: Consider
a geometric plane surface having two dimensions. If this plane is perpendicular
to your line of sight you perceive it as a plane surface, the matter aspect. If
now you rotate the plane through an angle of ninety degrees, the surface will
disappear from your sight, leaving only one dimension, the energy aspect. You
have not changed the plane in any way. You have merely changed your point of
view, or technically, you have changed your point of reference. The
amount of energy which is apparently contained by a given body of matter
depends entirely upon how far it has rotated upon the mass energy axis (defined
by the quantity C, the radius of curvature of all natural law) with respect to
the given observer. Another observer, observing the same body from a different
reference point, would find an entirely different amount of energy.
will define energy as the ability to create changes in the position or
condition of objects or points of reference. However, energy can create change,
only when there exists a differential in the two points between which the
change becomes manifest, or when the unit of energy has become divided into its
two component parts called poles, or charges. One positive and one negative
pole or charge, when united, constitute one photon or quantum of energy.
(definitions of the natural laws: space time mass matter energy gravity)
Quantity C, the speed of light energy differential, is the pivotal point upon
which the natural laws become manifest
Quantity C is the kinetic energy equivalent of the mass energy of matter.
Quantity C manifests as electromagnetic radiation covering a tremendous range
of frequencies (also, each different type of atom has its own characteristic
set of frequencies
Quantity C is the radius of the curvature of natural law, meaning if a
differential of energy equal to this quantity exists between the observer and
the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the
energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to
operate in reverse at that point.
Quantity C is also the velocity at which the universe folds and unfolds, from
the STILL POINT – between the infinitely large and infinitely small –
between Barbara Dewey’s “Big Blink” of the constant moving instant ‘Now’,
‘Now’ – or Walter Russell’s “point of rest” between the stages of unfoldment
and refoldment, the cycles of ‘genero-activity’ contraction of gravity, at the
inner explosive speed of light - and radioactive expansion of vacuity, at
the outer explosive speed of light.
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