Energy Evolution Program

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Discussion: Anti gravity theories with technological applications

Open for Discussion Through Comments

New Energy’s promise to the future

·        The restoration of balance to the Ecology
·        The freedom to pursue expansive economic development without marginalizing people or denuding culture
·        Political stability and the hope of true world peace
·        Radical clarification of theoretical physics leading to a new era of innovation and social advancement
·        Psychological and spiritual renaissance
There exist hundreds of proofs of concepts of new energy devices, ranging from energy from the vacuum (zero point), cold fusion, and special hydrogen and water technologies, all which connect to an easily understood mathematical framework using the Quantity C as the Radius of Curvature of All Natural Law. Understanding the Radius of Curvature concept permits anyone to know without a doubt that the following applications have long since been possible with our advances in science and technology:

        Field dependent propulsion

         Fields & Application of Anti-gravity - polarization of gravity

        Special hydrogen and water technologies, field related – instant cheap hydrogen for fuel cells

        FTL -faster than light transportation

        "Movement"/"Transference" - from one point to another without going through all points in between

        Transmutation of elements (Periodic Table application, from one element to the next)

·        The Promise of Energy for Everyone
·        The George Washington University’s Planet Forward: The Promise of Energy for Everyone Video

·        A Power Point Introductory Presentation

·        Book: The Energy Solution Revolution

·        REFERENCE POINT: A referenced point is defined as being one of two or more predetermined and specified points, between which, measurements are to be made.
·        MOTION: Motion is defined as a continuing change in the relative position of a given object or reference point, with respect to the observer, or to some other object or reference point. Everyone has a tendency to think of motion as being something absolute. Either a body moves, or it does not move. Yet, if we look about us at the universe, we find that every body of matter in the universe is in motion. They are all in motion with respect to us, and each of them is in motion with respect to every other body. Where can we find a reference point from which to determine absolute motion? It must be understood that when we speak of motion, we are using as a purely relative term. When we say that an object is in motion, we mean only that its present position is changing with respect to us, or to some other specified object, or point of reference.
·        VELOCITY: Velocity is defined as the rate of motion. It is measured by the amount of change in position which occurs in a given unit of time. Velocity is usually measured in miles per hour, or centimeters per second. Whatever the unit used for its measurement, however, we must always remember that if it is to have any significance, the measurement must be made from a specified point of reference or observation. For example, we can easily see that a man seated in his easy chair at home, has zero velocity with respect to the earth, but considerable angular velocity with respect to the moon, a much higher velocity with respect to the sun, and a different and still higher velocity with respect to each of the countless stars in the known universe.
·        ACCELERATION: Acceleration is defined as a change in the existing state of motion. It can be either positive or negative. That is: if the observed velocity is increasing, the acceleration is said to be positive. If the velocity is decreasing, the acceleration is said to be negative. (The word deceleration is sometimes used to indicate a decreasing velocity, but the term negative acceleration is generally considered to be more proper.) Example: If a certain automobile were to speed up from ten miles per hour to sixty miles per hour in a period of ten seconds, we would say that its velocity had increased at a rate of five miles per hour during each second of acceleration. We would indicate this by saying that its acceleration was equal to five miles per hour, per second. In physics, acceleration is usually measured in meters or centimeters per second, per second. In mathematics this is usually written - Cm/S/S, or Cm/S2.
·        ENERGY: We will define energy as the ability to create changes in the position or condition of objects or points of reference. However, energy can create change, only when there exists a differential in the two points between which the change becomes manifest, or when the unit of energy has become divided into its two component parts called poles, or charges. One positive and one negative pole or charge, when united, constitute one photon or quantum of energy.
·        THE QUANTITY C: is the measure of the radius of curvature of all natural law. The Quantity C actually represents the kinetic energy equivalent of the mass energy of matter. It is the factor which will enable us to determine precisely the degree of change in the curvature of one law which will be brought about by a specified change in the application of the others. It is the factor which will eventually tell us how to place our transport vehicles in either the positive or negative portion of the gravitational curve with respect to the earth or any other planet which we may choose to visit.
·        WHEN WE STATE THAT THE QUANTITY C IS THE RADIUS OF THE CURVATURE OF NATURAL LAW:  we mean simply that if a differential of energy equal to this quantity exists between the observer and the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to operate in reverse at that point.
·        FIELD: A field is an area of influence which surrounds the poles of energy when they are separated. The field manifests itself as a force which tends to increase the distance between like poles or charges, and to decrease the distance between unlike, or pairs, of poles or charges. The field is usually divided into three general types, the Electric Field, the Magnetic Field, and the Gravitational Field. The three types, however, are simply special case manifestations of the field principle, and all three result from the division of energy into its two component parts.
·        MASS: Mass is a property which is usually associated with matter, but which is also found to be associated with energy. It is defined as the property of resistance to acceleration, and is measured bythe amount of force required to produce a given rate of acceleration. All matter has the property of mass, but not all mass has the property of matter. We must distinguish carefully between matter and mass.  
·        SPACE: Space is defined as that which separates bodies of matter. Space has no objective reality except as an order or arrangement of the objects we perceive in it.
·        TIME: Time is defined as that which separates events. It is the one dimension in which all motion must take place.
·       Common sense will prevail with the inclusion of scale variance
·       Nature is not abstract
.       As above so below always applies
·      The point of view fits in the viewing point
·      As in fractals and chaos theory, self similarity replicates
·      The disguise is in the curve of scale, with QC as the Radius, which has caused another “flat earth” concept, this time in Science.
·      Conversion of Space time co-ordinate systems to their equivalent energy differentials
·      StarSteps reading recommended – denial works well in the unknown zone, and less well in the     known zone of extended possibilities
Modulating the Gravitational Curve: The electric charges within the atom are a factor which modulates the shape of the gravitational curve of the nucleus. The shape of the gravitational curve is modified not only by the mass present but also by the number and position of the electrical charges, referring not only to the charges in the outer shell of the atom but to those within as well, and especially to the fact, not always realized, that the neutron possesses both a positive and a negative charge, although when united within the neutron they are not discernible as charges, but exist as energy which produces the gravitational field.
Magnetic and Electronic Resonance: Any magnetic field which is changing in intensity will create an electric field, which, at any given instant is equal in amplitude, opposite in sign, and perpendicular to the magnetic field. If the two fields become mutually resonant, a vector force will be generated. The effect is similar to, and in fact identical with a gravitational field.
Force and Gravity: a symmetry exists between force and gravity – as a changing magnetic field induces an electric field, a changing momentum (a force) induces a gravitational field – unbalanced forces localize the zero point energy of matter.



1 comment:

  1. A suggestion of a "Vision Obstacle" in science -Subject: Is Relativity an Illusion? by John Kooiman Note: references to "StarSteps" web site, I have always been uncomfortable with the standard interpretation of Special Relativity that says that "nothing can move faster than the speed of light". I have no quarrels with the mathematics of Relativity, just how it is commonly interpreted. The theory of Special Relativity only describes what an observer will see under different circumstances, assuming that all observations are done using light or other waves that travel at the speed of light. We are confusing distortions caused by the intervening medium with physical changes in the object being observed, causing the famous "Twin Paradox". Relativity says that as the ship approaches the speed of light, its acceleration would be restrained and its velocity held below the speed of light by an apparent increase in mass resisting the available thrust. Simultaneously, the distance from Earth to Alpha Centauri would also contract by just precisely the right amount to offset this reduced velocity, thereby allowing the ship to cross the reduced distance in the same amount of time as would have originally been calculated by using classical mechanics and superluminal velocities, while ignoring the effects of Relativity. Special Relativity says nothing about what happens when one "changes inertial planes". It is simply a "Wild Ass Guess", based upon an unfounded assumption, designed to explain away the paradox. So, both classical mechanics and Relativity allow the theoretical possibility of traveling 4 light-years in one hour of shipboard time. Both give the same shipboard transit time, given the same initial mass and the same amount of thrust and energy available. Classical mechanics allows it by ignoring the "light-speed" barrier and allowing the ship to accelerate smoothly to superluminal speeds, regardless of any distortion that an observer may see. Relativity allows it to occur at sub-light speeds by causing the entire universe to shrink along our direction of travel by precisely the correct amount to offset the acceleration that we lost due to our mass increase caused by the SQRT(1-v^2/c^2) "warp factor". What would happen as such a vehicle approached the speed of light? Would the relativistic "mass increase" cause the acceleration rate to fall off? No, because the acceleration in a G field is independent of the mass of the object. As long as we are able to maintain the G field, our craft would continue to accelerate smoothly right on past the speed of light. How long would it take to travel from Earth to Alpha Centauri if we could maintain a constant acceleration of 30 G’s until the half-way point and then turn around and decelerate at 30 G’s until we arrived at Alpha Centauri? From classical mechanics: X = ½*A*T^2, or T = SQRT(2*X/A), X = ½ distance from Earth to Alpha Centauri = 2 light-years = 2*9.47E15 Meters = 1.89E16 Meters, A = 30 G’s = 30*9.8 M/S^2 = 294 M/S^2, T = SQRT(2*1.89E16 Meters/294 M/S^2) = 1.134E7 Seconds = 131 Days, Total Travel Time = 2 * Time to Half-Way point = 2*131 Days = 262 Days. What would a "stationary" observer see? If they are observing us using light, they would not be able to see us exceeding the speed of light. Instead, they would see all of the distortions predicted by Relativity. Occupants of our craft looking out the window would also see a distorted view of the universe. They would not be able to measure themselves traveling faster than light (at least not using light to perform the measurement); instead they would see the universe "contracting" along their direction of flight. But, because of length contraction they would still end up at their destination in the same amount of time as if they had ignored Relativity and calculated their trip using classical mechanics and superluminal speeds. All comments are welcome.
