Energy Evolution Program

Monday, December 26, 2016

Where Can’t Doesn’t Fly – How a Beautiful Construct Unintentionally Can Incarcerate Future Possibilities

Where Can’t Doesn’t Fly

 IMPRESSIVE!  Catalyzes hope and excitement for the future, until one looks at the outdated fundamentals. These can be impairing.

  •   REINFORCED AND SUPPORTED BY THE CREATION OF PHYSICAL  CONSTRAINTS –   as likened to horse and buggy speeds

While the intention deserves significant applause, one will note, lack of awareness can impede and eventually crush good intentions AND the future. Imagine if one still believed one lived on a flat earth with no concept of a third dimension.

Where in all this is found ‘field propulsion’, the universal and natural means of producing kinetic energy differentials?

Where are the simple means of producing antigravity applications, as observed in both the macro and micro realms?

When will transport of goods from one point to another be accomplished, without going through all points in between, i.e., transmuting space and time?

When will comprehension dawn on the immense power in a tiny, tiny atom with simple, non-radioactive extraction possibilities?

This list is endless, with boundless opportunities and no limits. Renders killing for oil, or not enough to go around, rather meaningless.


The far more fundamental and simpler definitions of space time mass matter energy gravity become mandatory:

Friday, November 25, 2016

A Tale of the Flat, 2D Stalemated Version of E=MC2 with non-variable light speed

A physics question: To USE crutches and invent artificial (non-existent) foundational bridges to support flawed and misinterpreted theory, OR NOT? With a 3D view of E=MC2, artificial addons are not required to better understand reality.

Good to know: any number of observations, if made on a sufficiently limited scale, will tend to indicate that the earth is flat, rather than spherical.

A theory by Imperial physicists that the speed of light is variable - and not constant as Einstein suggested - could soon be put to the test.  

The testability of the varying speed of light theory sets it apart from the more mainstream rival theory: inflation. Inflation says that the early universe went through an extremely rapid expansion phase, much faster than the current rate of expansion of the universe. These theories are necessary to overcome what physicists call the 'horizon problem'. The universe as we see it today appears to be everywhere broadly the same, for example it has a relatively homogenous density.

A clearer, "more real" view using a refined, broader, 3D version of E=mc2 
Through the concept of the curvature of physical law, however, we see that the addition of mass to an existing body does not, necessarily, increase the force of attraction between its parts, but may, under certain conditions, cause the field to become negative, and the attraction to become a repulsion. We can explain the observed actions of the present universe by postulating that an attraction exists between the individual bodies within a galaxy, because their total mass and distance is such that they are within the positive portion of the gravitation curve with respect to each other. In the vast spaces between the galaxies however, the curve dips below the zero line with the result that a repulsion exists between the galaxies themselves.  This also explains why matter, although rather evenly distributed throughout the known universe, is not distributed uniformly, but found in quite similar concentrations at comparatively regular distances.

This could only be true if all regions of the universe were able to influence each other. However, if the speed of light has always been the same, then not enough time has passed for light to have travelled to the edge of the universe, and 'even out' the energy.

The alternative theory is inflation, which attempts to solve this problem by saying that the very early universe evened out while incredibly small, and then suddenly expanded, with the uniformity already imprinted on it. While this means the speed of light and the other laws of physics as we know them are preserved, it requires the invention of an 'inflation field' -- a set of conditions that only existed at the time.

Light doesn't always travel at the speed of light. A new experiment reveals that focusing or manipulating the structure of light pulses reduces their speed, even in vacuum conditions. Generally if light is not traveling at c it is because it is moving through a material. For example, light slows down when passing through glass or water.

A clearer, "more real" view using a refined, broader, 3D version of E=mc2 
The quantity C is considered to be a constant, in fact the only constant which has survived in a relativistic world. In almost every text book on physics in the world today the statement is made that the quantity C represents the velocity of light (in centimeters per second), yet every student in the world who has studied the subject, knows that the velocity of light is not a constant. That its velocity, in fact, varies slightly with each different medium through which it is propagated. There are many who will dispute the statement that the change in velocity varies with the frequency, but when sufficiently precise tests are made entirely within a single medium, the results indicate convincingly that this is true. 

Fortunately there is a value to which the quantity C can be assigned which is a constant. Moreover the assignment of the quantity C to this factor makes possible a much better understanding of the natural laws involved in the propagation of energy. The quantity C is actually the kinetic energy equivalent of the mass energy of matter. In other words, if we take a gram (or any other quantity of matter: Newtonian mass) and convert that matter gradually into energy according to the formula E = MC2, and the resultant energy, as it appeared, were constantly applied to the remaining matter in such a way as to accelerate it uniformly in a given direction, when all the matter had been so converted we would find that we had zero Newtonian mass, infinite inertial mass and a resultant velocity equal to the quantity C, or approximately 3x10(10) centimeters per second (with respect to the given reference or starting point). The maximum velocity attained would always be the same regardless of the quantity of matter with which we started.

Now, in a paper to be published 28 November in Physical Review, he and Niayesh Afshordi at the Perimeter Institute in Canada have laid out a new version of the idea – and this one is testable. They suggest that in the early universe, light and gravity propagated at different speeds.
If photons moved faster than gravity just after the big bang, that would have let them get far enough for the universe to reach an equilibrium temperature much more quickly, the team say.
A testable theory
What really excites Magueijo about the idea is that it makes a specific prediction about the cosmic microwave background (CMB). This radiation, which fills the universe, was created shortly after the big bang and contains a “fossilised” imprint of the conditions of the universe.


Once grounded in REAL, desperate attempts to support current flawed theory with offbeat, tangential artificial mathematical structures will cease to contribute and reinforce outdated confusion.

OF NOTE:  A paper published in The European Physical Journal H provides the first English translation and an analysis of one of Albert Einstein's little-known papers, "On the cosmological problem of the general theory of relativity." Published in 1931, it features a forgotten model of the universe, while refuting Einstein's own earlier static model of 1917. In this paper, Einstein introduces a cosmic model in which the universe undergoes an expansion followed by a contraction. A more coherent theory – see 

In Summary: 

…… the quantity C (velocity of light) as the radius of curvature of all natural law, the pivotal point upon which the natural laws become manifest, the kinetic energy equivalent of the mass energy of matter. Meaning if a differential of energy equal to this quantity exists between the observer and the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to operate in reverse at that point.  
Field propulsion and antigravity become common sense, teleportation/quantum entanglement demystify, and erroneous limits dissolve, permitting application throughout the macro, meso, micro frames.
 …… We must clear our minds of the thought block produced by the assumption that the quantity C is a factor of absolute limit. We must realize that it is a limiting factor only with respect to two given reference points, and that it is perfectly possible to conceive of a series of consecutive reference points between each two of which a differential equal to the quantity C may exist.

…… The quantity C is the factor which will enable us to determine precisely the degree of change in the curvature of one law which will be brought about by a specified change in the application of the others.

 It is the factor which will eventually tell us how to place our spacecraft in either the positive or negative portion of the gravitational curve with respect to the earth or any other planet which we may choose to visit.

Towards more refined, jaw-dropping, seemingly miraculous, nuclear applications using frequencies and fields.

The '3D' Version of E=mc2 

The far more fundamental and simpler definitions of space time mass matter energy gravity become mandatory:

Friday, September 30, 2016

Is the Pace of Change “Adapt or Die” Devouring its Final and Greatest Foe, ‘Top Secret’?

As the infinite pool of talent breaks out of the poverty lines by upgrading a deadly, lopsided economic model, and joins the ranks of the well-funded, but solitary, Elon Musks of this world, we will find brainstorming innovation and breaking stagnant boundaries, to dissolve entirely the erroneous limits currently describing a poorly thought out equation, E=MC2.

With an insatiable focus today driven towards expanding both inner and outer space (miro, macro, and connecting meso), the exceedingly ‘simple and obvious’ begins to bursts forth, exposing top secret as a sidesplitting comical comic joke.

The Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics dramatically simplified calculations of particle interactions and challenged the notion that space and time are fundamental components of reality. So too, the constant C, in a 3D version of E=mc2, demonstrates its radius of curvature function revealing a far more accurate, simpler, and awesome reality comprising space, time, mass, matter, energy, gravity.... eradicating the need for time tunnels, warps in space time, worm holes, curved space and the like. (Can anyone imagine a curved space, a curved nothing?)

 A 3D version of E=mc2 reveals….

 …… the quantity C (velocity of light) as the radius of curvature of all natural law, the pivotal point upon which the natural laws become manifest, the kinetic energy equivalent of the mass energy of matter. Meaning if a differential of energy equal to this quantity exists between the observer and the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to operate in reverse at that point.  
Field propulsion and antigravity become common sense, teleportation/quantum entanglement demystify, and erroneous limits dissolve, permitting application throughout the macro, meso, micro frames.
        “We must clear our minds of the thought block produced by the assumption that the quantity C is a factor of absolute limit. We must realize that it is a limiting factor only with respect to two given reference points, and that it is perfectly possible to conceive of a series of consecutive reference points between each two of which a differential equal to the quantity C may exist.”

Business entities today must be far more flexible, focused, fluid-like, adaptable to change, especially in the energy sector. The days of wealth injected, behemoth, petrified, slow to change corporate infrastructures, living in isolated bubbles, disconnected from a much larger historical past, blindsided on current state of affairs by short term profit motives and volumes of 'top secret' missing data, (broken reality), are fading fast.

BlackBerry lesson: adapt or die in the internet Age
BlackBerry has joined Yahoo, Nokia and other technology industry stars felled by an internet age in which companies are forced to evolve quickly or perish. ...more

Scientists teleport quantum information across four-mile cable 
Quantum teleportation relies on a phenomenon known as quantum entanglement, which describes two inextricably linked particles, whereby the measure or manipulation of one particle is observed in the other, regardless of time or location.

Experiment draws on 'spooky action at a distance'
The experiment is based on the entanglement property of quantum mechanics, also known as "spooky action at a distance"—a property so mysterious that not even Einstein could come to terms with it.
"Being entangled means that the two photons that form an entangled pair have properties that are linked regardless of how far the two are separated," explains Tittel. "When one of the photons was sent over to City Hall, it remained entangled with the photon that stayed at the University of Calgary."  Next, the photon whose state was teleported to the university was generated in a third location in Calgary and then also travelled to City Hall where it met the photon that was part of the entangled pair.  "What happened is the instantaneous and disembodied transfer of the photon's quantum state onto the remaining photon of the entangled pair, which is the one that remained six kilometres away at the university," says Tittel.  Read more at:

A SpaceX rendering of a Dragon spacecraft on the surface of Mars.       SpaceX CEO Musk to present plans for Mars colony (Update)
CBS News     Elon Musk unveils grandiose plan to colonize Mars




China launches second space station, Tiangong 2
September 15, 2016

China launches second space station, Tiangong 2

The Long March 7 rocket carrying the Tiangong-2 module blasts off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Jiuquan, northwest China's Gansu Province, Thursday, Sept. 15, 2016. China has launched its second space station in a sign of the growing sophistication of its military-backed program that intends to send a mission to Mars in the coming years

Read more at:

Is it a plane, is it a train? No, say supporters of Hyperloop, a futuristic mode of transport floated by Silicon Valley billionaire Elon Musk that promises high-tech, high-speed and cheap travel over long distances.

Demonstrating today’s massive capacity for extreme, exponential velocity of technological catch-up and advance.

China begins operating world's largest radio telescope
September 25, 2016 by Gillian Wong


China space plane taking shape


Current space transportation systems are based on the principle of momentum conservation of classical physics. Therefore, all space vehicles need some kind of fuel for operation. The basic physics underlying this propulsion principle severely limits the specific impulse and/or available thrust. Launch capabilities from the surface of the Earth require huge amounts of fuel. Hence, space flight, as envisaged by von Braun in the early 50s of the last century, will not be possible using this concept. Only if novel physical principles are found can these limits be overcome. Gravitational field propulsion is based on the generation of gravitational fields by man made devices. In other words, gravity fields should be experimentally controllable. At present, it is believed that there are four fundamental interactions in physics: strong (nuclei), weak (radioactive decay), electromagnetic and gravitational. As experience has shown for the last six decades, none of these physical interactions is suitable as a basis for novel space propulsion. None of the advanced physical theories, like string theory or quantum gravity, go beyond the four known interactions. On the contrary, recent results from causal dynamical triangulation simulations indicate that wormholes in spacetime do not seem to exist, and thus even this type of exotic space travel may well be impossible. However, recently, novel physical concepts were presented that might lead to advanced space propulsion technology, based on two novel fundamental force fields. These forces are represented by two additional long range gravitational-like force fields that would be both attractive and repulsive, resulting from interaction of gravity with electromagnetism. A propulsion technology, based on these novel long range fields, would be working without propellant. The current theoretical and experimental concepts pertaining to the novel physics of these gravity-like fields are discussed together with recent gravitomagnetic experiments performed at ARC Seibersdorf (2008). The theoretical concepts of Extended Heim Theory, EHT, are employed for the explanation of these experiments. ∗1Senior Scientist, Institut für Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaft, 6010 Innsbruck, Austria ∗2 Prof., Faculty Karl-Scharfenberg, Univ. of Applied Sciences, 38229 Salzgitter, Senior member AIAA. 

The '3D' Version of E=mc2 

The far more fundamental and simpler definitions of space time mass matter energy gravity become mandatory:

Saturday, September 24, 2016

A More Timely Reason To Encourage Energy Evolution

Besides the following aforementioned, common sense statements, energy evolution, namely Field Propulsion, contains the fail-safe key (comprehension/self-awareness) preventing Self-Destruction.

"Poverty in all its forms is the greatest single threat to peace, democracy, human rights, and the environment. It is a time bomb against the heart of liberty" World Trade Organization Director Mike Moore.

"Inadequate comprehension and application of Energy, in all its forms, in an increasingly complex and evolving civilization, is the single greatest causal factor of poverty - and the vehicle to self-destruct." DeCatalyst

"As systems increase in complexity, their energy intensity and energy requirements to sustain life rise accordingly." Hydrocarbons ceased fitting the energy bill, became obsolete, years ago. Nobel Prize winner , Ilya Prigogine

"......Failure at the evolutionary 'gold' level/stage. This will be the 3rd time (MU, Atlantis/Lemuria)! 3 strikes and you're out? Metaphysics seems to agree, as the earth itself evolves in step with the solar system, in step with the galaxy, etc. A repeating broken record also fails the intelligence test. The Wisdom and Understanding criteria are nowhere to be found in main stream priorities, both critical to surmount self-destruct tendencies......"

A spiritual science component to our educational base demands immediate attention. Devoid of same, we find ourselves in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, believing in ‘shadows’, akin to the primitive ‘flat earth’, shallow point of view.
The scientific threads forming the foundation to a spiritual science already exist separately, un-unified, and unacknowledged throughout the macro, meso, and micro divisions, which connect by C, the C in a 3D version of E=MC2.

A more refined view of E=MC2 discloses Light (C) as The Radius of Curvature of All Natural Law, equating to the kinetic energy equivalent of the mass energy of matter  
 meaning if a differential of energy equal to this quantity exists between the observer and the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to operate in reverse at that point.  

The far more fundamental and simpler definitions of space time mass matter energy gravity become mandatory: