Energy Evolution Program

Friday, September 26, 2014

The Geometry of Form, the Connectivity of Space, and the Properties of Spin

To attain the application possibilities of the left photo (that some almost have in the right photo)

Addressing the following qualities of light upon space time mass matter energy gravity is required

·        If a differential of energy equal to the quantity C exists between the observer and the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to operate in reverse at that point.  

·        The quantity C (velocity of light) is the kinetic energy equivalent of the mass energy of matter

·        The quantity C (velocity of light), the radius of curvature of all natural law, is the pivotal point upon which the natural laws become manifest

·        The Geometry of Form, the Connectivity of Space, and the Properties of Spin, have to converge to the one sine wave spectrum whose radius is the quantity C, for eventual comprehension and subsequent application.

Conical Motion 5 - Walter Russell

Synopsis of Walter Russell’s Cosmology of Twin Opposing Electro-Magnetic Vortices 

As previously suggested:  
·        Any magnetic field which is changing in intensity, will create an electric field which at any given instant, is equal in amplitude opposite in sign and perpendicular to the magnetic field. If the two fields become mutually resonant, a vector force will be generated, whose direction is perpendicular to each of the other two, creating an effect similar to, and in fact identical with, a gravitational field. 
·        It is perfectly possible to produce a negative gravitational field between the earth and a given object on or near its surface by the proper application of moving electric charges.  Such a field would be effective only with respect to the given object. All other matter in the vicinity would remain within the positive portion of the curve
·        Gravity:  the positive and negative charges of the protons and electrons, when united within the neutron, are not discernible as charges but exist as energy which produces the gravitational field.

·        An energy differential does not necessarily manifest itself as a velocity. It can also exist as a frequency. Our present laws of physics state that the energy level upon which an electron, a photon, or other particle exists is proportionate to its frequency. The mathematical rule is E equals Fh, where E is the energy, F is the frequency and h is a factor called Planck's constant. We can now see that a frequency differential which by the above formula is equal to 9x10(20) ergs per gram also represents the quantity C

Review and let’s keep moving forward

Anti-Gravity Ball by MIT Opens New Dimensions. MIT media lab created a metal ball which is capable of doing some extraordinary feats while being in anti gravity mode. This round shiny metal ball has been named as ZeroN and it has indeed put a great significance in manipulating technologies in a more…


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The simple unity of matter and energy: Consider a geometric plane surface having two dimensions. If this plane is perpendicular to your line of sight you perceive it as a plane surface, the matter aspect. If now you rotate the plane through an angle of ninety degrees, the surface will disappear from your sight, leaving only one dimension, the energy aspect. You have not changed the plane in any way. You have merely changed your point of view, or technically, you have changed your point of reference. The amount of energy which is apparently contained by a given body of matter depends entirely upon how far it has rotated upon the mass energy axis (defined by the quantity C, the radius of curvature of all natural law) with respect to the given observer. Another observer, observing the same body from a different reference point, would find an entirely different amount of energy. 
   ENERGY: We will define energy as the ability to create changes in the position or condition of objects or points of reference. However, energy can create change, only when there exists a differential in the two points between which the change becomes manifest, or when the unit of energy has become divided into its two component parts called poles, or charges. One positive and one negative pole or charge, when united, constitute one photon or quantum of energy. (definitions  of the natural laws: space time mass matter energy gravity)

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