Energy Evolution Program

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Star Power: Bogged Down by the Standard Model of OZ (i.e., Physics)

Star power: Troubled ITER nuclear fusion project looks for new path

30 years and 15 billion - more at issue then mismanagement

ITER's job is to build a testbed to see if fusion, so far achieved in a handful of labs at great cost, is a realistic power source for the energy-hungry 21st Century.

Fusion entails forcing together the nuclei of light atomic elements in a super-heated plasma, held by powerful magnetic forces in a doughnut-shaped chamber called a tokamak, so that they make heavier elements and in so doing release energy.

The principle behind it is the opposite of nuclear fission -- the atom-splitting process behind nuclear bombs and power stations, which carries the risk of costly accidents, theft of radioactive material and dealing with dangerous long-term waste..... more

We will ignore, but must be aware of the Industrial/Organizational Psych criterions shaping beliefs, behaviors and their consequences, especially when systems become too large to fail, too large to admit errs.

As previously suggested in Demolishing Stagnation,  Accelerating Tardy, Overdue Energy Advances, a look at previously unconsidered relationships, with their variations from the very small to the very large, would go far to simplify, access and apply nuclear field energies in the magnetic, electrical, and gravitational field sectors.

Putting a new spin on plasmonics   


The coupling between light and magnetization in ferromagnetic materials arises from quantum mechanical interactions. These interactions result in magneto-optical effects that modify the properties, such as the polarization axis or intensity of the light. Interactions between light and matter are enhanced at the nanoscale. This is a key motivation in the field of plasmonics, which studies light interacting with metal nanostructures.

Magnetism, related to Heat and Sound:  Landmark study proves that magnets can control heat and sound.  People might be surprised enough to learn that heat and sound have anything to do with each other, much less that either can be controlled by magnets, Heremans acknowledged. But both are expressions of the same form of energy, quantum mechanically speaking. So any force that controls one should control the other.


Sound and Levitation: 

Nonlinear acoustics is a complex field, and the physical phenomena that cause these effects can be difficult to understand. But in general, nonlinear affects can combine to make an intense sound far more powerful than a quieter one. It is because of these affects that a wave's acoustic radiation pressure can become strong enough to balance the pull of gravity.

Magnetic Options: Anti Gravity Ball by MIT Opens New Dimensions

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