Energy Evolution Program

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Irish researchers join international team to make a breakthrough in fundamental physics

This is a very exciting breakthrough?

Breakthrough in fundamental physics: An international team of researchers have for the first time, discovered that in a very high magnetic field an electron with no mass can acquire a mass. Understanding why elementary particles e.g. electrons, photons, neutrinos have a mass is a fundamental question in Physics and an area of intense debate. 
 "This is a very exciting breakthrough because until now, nobody has ever discovered an object whose mass can be switched on or off by applying an external stimulus. Every physical object has a mass, which is a measure of the object's resistance to a change in its direction or speed, once a force is applied.

Was this not common sense and common knowledge?

The electron has mass only because it has an electric charge. As we know, when an electric charge is accelerated in space, a magnetic field is produced, and energy is required to produce this field. The energy 'spent' in producing this field, is said to be the 'mass' of the electron, since it is the entire cause of its resistance to acceleration.
All the natural laws possess, not only a two-way interaction as electric ↔ magnetic, but all interactions of – space time mass matter energy gravity/(fields) - are relative to each other . That is, the value of one can be altered between any two reference points by altering the value or relationship of the other, with all following the sine wave nature of reality whose radius is C, the C in E=mc2.

Contemporary partial definition: “Each electron is surrounded by a force called an electric field. When an electron moves, it creates a second field—a magnetic field. When electrons are made to flow in a current through a conductor, such as a piece of metal or a coil of wire, the conductor becomes a temporary magnet—an electromagnet.”

Why wouldn’t a high magnetic field be capable of creating a mass to an electron? Perhaps added to the overall confusion is the enormous narrow-minded misconception from E=mc2 that the speed of light is the dead end limit to velocity.  The belief that gravity has only one pole adds to the delusion of a pseudo reality as ‘real’.

More on Matter and Mass: Much of the confusion which exists in our scientific concepts today is brought about by our failure to distinguish carefully between matter and mass. Until a comparatively few years ago, it was assumed that mass was a property which was exhibited only by matter. Upon closer examination, however, it appeared that energy also possesses mass, since when energy was added to a body of matter, the mass of the body was increased.
We should, perhaps, pause at this point to define the terms which we are using lest we add to the confusion instead of resolving it. Mass is defined as resistance to change in the existing state of motion. It is measured by the amount of the energy which is required to produce a given change in velocity. All matter has the property of mass, but not all mass has the properties of matter. For the purposes of this discussion, we will postulate that there are two types of mass, inertial mass, which is simply the property of resistance to change in a state of motion, and the mass inherent in matter, which we will call Newtonian mass, because it includes all mass which obeys the original laws laid down by Sir Isaac Newton.
Since the reader may be under the impression that all mass obeys the Newtonian laws, let us pause here long enough to examine the facts and to point out the differences in the properties of inertial and Newtonian mass. All physicists of today are agreed that the electron has mass. Yet if it were possible for us to hold an electron between two of our fingers and then suddenly release it, we would find that there was not the slightest tendency for the electron to fall to the earth (unless the surface happened to be positively charged at the moment). The electron is not in the least affected by the gravitational field of the earth, so long as it is at rest with respect to that field (if the electron is moving through the field, however, the direction of the motion will be affected).
 The electron has mass only because it has an electric charge. As we know, when an electric charge is accelerated in space, a magnetic field is produced, and energy is required to produce this field. The energy 'spent' in producing this field, is said to be the 'mass' of the electron, since it is the entire cause of its resistance to acceleration. The greater the degree of acceleration, of course, the more intense the field, and the greater the amount of energy required to produce it. So we say that the electron gains 'mass' with every increase in its velocity. If an electron could be accelerated to the velocity C, (commonly called the velocity of light), it would have acquired the maximum velocity with which energy can be propagated.
It is obvious, therefore, that no amount of energy could further accelerate this electron. (with respect to its original reference point), so it would be considered to have acquired 'infinite mass.'
 Let us take time to examine this statement carefully, since it is a point upon which there is much confusion. The electron would have acquired infinite mass only in reference to its original energy level. If observed from a reference point which had itself received the same degree of acceleration, the mass of the electron would not have changed a particle. This increase of inertial mass with increasing velocity is simply the measure of the kinetic energy differential between the observer and the point which he is observing.

The basic fundamentals and their relationship to each other


A more refined view of E=MC2 discloses 
Light (C) as The Radius of Curvature of All Natural Law, equating to the kinetic energy equivalent of the mass energy of matter  
 meaning if a differential of energy equal to this quantity exists between the observer and the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to operate in reverse at that point.  

The far more fundamental and simpler definitions of space time mass matter energy gravity become mandatory:

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